News Stories

Nominations for Outstanding IR of the Year accepted until May 31

  • Published
for award year 2023 (1 Jan -31 Dec 23)
 All Individual Reservists are eligible if they meet the following requirements:
  • Nominee must not have had an unfavorable information file (UIF) or control roster action during the award period for which the nomination is being submitted.
  • Nominee must not have had any incidents of an adverse or discreditable nature, such as financial irresponsibility, disciplinary actions, administrative or non-judicial punishment, etc. during the award period for which the nomination is being submitted.
  • Nominee must meet physical fitness standards during the award period. Additionally, nominee must have a current AND passing score *
    • * If member is currently on a composite exemption, it must be reflected on the fitness report and the most recent fitness assessment prior to the composite exemption must have been a passing score.
  • Nominee must meet the CAFR’s directive “Ready Now”: Current in all training and Individual Readiness Requirements*
    • *If Individual Readiness reports (i.e. myFitness, ARCNet, etc) do not correctly reflect members’ readiness, official documentation (i.e. fitness scorecard) must be attached verifying the item has been completed.
  • Nominee must be progressing satisfactorily within his/her specialty
  • Nominees are submitted in the category corresponding to the grade held for the majority of the award period.
Award Categories:
  • AMN: E-4 and below
  • NCO:  E-5 and E-6
  • SNCO:  E-7 and E-8
  • Company Grade Officer (CGO): O-1 through O-3
  • Field Grade Officer (FGO):  O-4 and O-5
Nomination Packages:
  • Nomination memorandum endorsed by RegAF Commander (click HERE for the template)
  • AF Form 1206 (click HERE for a blank 1206)
  • Individual Fitness Report
  • ARCnet Readiness Summary Report
  • Any necessary supporting documentation for items not properly reflected in the aforementioned reports
Submissions will be completed using the AF Form 1206 (correct version dated 20170802) in narrative format and will be no more than 24 lines (26 lines total including headings).
1206 headings:
  • Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty
    • 8 sentences (no more than 18 lines in narrative format)
  • Whole Airman Concept
    • 3 sentences (no more than 6 lines in narrative format)
Suspense and Nomination Package Processing:
  • Only correct, complete packages submitted on time will be meet the board.
  • Do not submit unsolicited documents (i.e. Military Biographies, SURFs, CDBs, etc.) these documents will be removed from consideration.
  • Incomplete, incorrect, or late packages will not be considered, and no extensions will be granted.
  • Nominations must be submitted to your HQ RIO Detachment NLT 1800 hrs MDT, 31 May 2024.
  • Nominees must contact their Detachment for submission procedures.
Suspense and Nomination Package Processing:
  • All nomination packages will be saved in the following format:
- One combined PDF with package file name: "2023_IROY_Cat_Last Name_Det # (EX: 2023_IROY_Amn_SrA Peel_Det 8")
Put the contents in this order:
– Nomination Memo 
– AF Form 1206
– Individual Fitness Report
– ARCNet Readiness Summary Report
– Additional Supporting Documentation (as required)