Det 5

Contact Information

Detachment 5, Robins AFB, Georgia
Services: HC, JA, Med, HO, CCC, HQ AFRC and HQ ARPC
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mailing Address: 255 Richard Ray Blvd, Robins AFB, GA 31098
Phone: DSN - 497-2331 Commercial - 478-327-2331 
Option 1 – Leadership
Option 2 – Readiness
Option 3 – Force Management
Det 5 Commander
Expand List item 2741Collapse List item 2741  COLONEL KIT ALLEN Lt. Col. Kit Allen's official photo

Col Kit W. Allen is currently the Commander, Detachment 5 of the Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization, Robins AFB, GA.  He is responsible for 1700 individual reservists assigned to positions around the world meeting Air Force and Combatant Commander requirements. Prior to his current position, he was the Acting Division Chief, Resources Integration Division, HQ AFRC/A4P. He was responsible for oversight and support of Cost Per Flying Hour, Weapons System Sustainment, Program Objective Memorandum, technology integration and innovation and other budgetary support for the logistics, engineering and force protection directorate encompassing more than 1.5 billion a year in total budgetary authority supporting over 70,000 AFRC Airmen.
Col Allen enlisted in the North Dakota Army National Guard in 1995 as a Combat Engineer.  In 2001, he transferred to the North Dakota Air National Guard serving in the Supply Management career field. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2002 and his commission from the Academy of Military Science in 2003.  He initially served as a Logistics Readiness Officer and transferred to the Security Forces career field in 2005.  In 2006, Col Allen deployed to Talil AB, Iraq performing outside the wire missions in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Security Forces Officer.  In 2007, he began his Active Guard Reserve career, performing duties as the Conversion and Operations Officer for the only Security Forces unit in the Air Reserve Component certified to perform ICBM security.   
Col Allen transferred to the Air Force Reserve in 2014.  He has held leadership positions in the Security Forces and Logistics career fields at the Squadron, Wing and Major Command levels. Prior to attending Air War College in residence and his current assignment, Col Allen was the Defense Forces Commander (DFC) for the largest AFRC Security Forces squadron at March ARB.

Det 5 Superintendent
Expand List item 2742Collapse List item 2742  CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT TARA COLL
Chief Coll's official photo
Chief Master Sergeant Tara J. Coll is the Senior Enlisted Leader, Headquarters Readiness and Integration Organization, Detachment 5, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. She serves as the Senior Enlisted Leader for HQ RIO Det 5, supporting all centrally managed IMAs to included Judge Advocate, Surgeon General, Historian, Chaplain, and positions located at AFRC and ARPC. Chief Coll advises the Commander on all personnel matters concerning the management of Det staff and is responsible for the development, integration, and implementation of strategies supporting IMA personnel policies. Lastly, she provides analysis and solutions/courses of actions spanning a range of complex operational and management issues affecting the IMA program.

Sergeant Coll enlisted in the Air Force Reserve in May 2003 and has served in various duties in the personnel career field. She served as the Superintendent, Personnel Support Programs, Manager and NCOIC, Customer Support, Career Enhancement, and Relocations and has served honorably in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. She joined the Active/Guard Reserve program in 2011 and was assigned to the Readiness Management Group, Detachment 14, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.

Prior to assuming her current position, she served as Superintendent, Future Operations and Integration, Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado and Manager, Air Force Inspection System Training and By Law Reporting, Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.

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