Guidance Updates

  • You're Invited: Quarterly Virtual IR All Call

    HQ RIO is hosting its quarterly virtual IR All Call, led by RIO Commander Col. Nathan Day, on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time. This virtual town hall meeting is designed specifically for IRs, providing a platform to stay informed and engaged on key topics.Agenda Highlights

  • IR All Call Today - "Shutdown" Contingency Questions

    HQ RIO will host an IR All Call TODAY, Friday, Dec. 20 at 2:00 PM Mountain Time, to provide a Continuing Resolution update.During this call, HQ RIO will relay AFRC guidance and address any questions or concerns that may arise. The participation of all IRs is highly encouraged to ensure that everyone

  • Feb Virtual Individual Reservists Orientation (vIRO) Postponed

    ** Unfortunately, due to recent changes with telework, we are postponing the February vIRO. We are projected to resume vIRO activities 10-14 March. We apologize for the inconvenience. **The Headquarters Reserve Individual Operations (HQ RIO) is pleased to announce the upcoming virtual Individual

  • HQ RIO to host Virtual IR All Call on Dec. 13 at 1000 MT

    The Headquarters Readiness and Integration Organization (RIO) is set to host its quarterly virtual IR All Call, led by RIO Commander Col. Nathan Day. The event is scheduled to take place on Friday, Dec. 13, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., Mountain Time.A Town Hall Meeting for IRsThis hour-long virtual event

  • MANDATORY – CAFR TASKORD 2024-01 Acknowledgement

    Individual Reservists,On 1 November 2024, Lt Gen Healy published his third TASKORD as the CAFR, laying out his expectations. In that document, there are tasks for all Reserve Airmen, and specific responsibilities for each echelon of command.  He has directed all AFR members to read and acknowledge

  • NEW LINK: HQ RIO virtual IR Orientation 4-6 Dec

    HQ RIO is thrilled to announce the upcoming virtual Individual Reservists Orientation (vIRO), scheduled to take place from 4-6 December. This orientation is tailored for Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) and Participating Individual Ready Reservists (PIRRs) who have gained their status

  • RPA opportunities for E-5 thru E-7

     RIO has exciting long-term RPA opportunities in the National Capitol Region available for immediate start with potential for a 365-day order.

  • AROWS-R accessibility issues persist

    AFRC/A1 announced Aug. 28 that AROWS-R continues to experience accessibility issues for Individual Reservists (IRs). This AROWS-R accessibility issue impacts both Traditional Reservists and IRs who are unable to use Desktop Anywhere or VPN to access the site. Users encounter these issues when

  • IR All Call, Sept. 4 at 1100 MT

    HQ RIO Commander Col. Nathan Day will host his quarterly virtual IR All Call at 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time, on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.

  • HQ RIO virtual IR Orientation 21-23 Aug

    PLEASE NOTE: THE LINK TO ATTEND RECENTLY CHANGED TO AN AFNET TEAMS MEETING.  IT IS ACCESSIBLE TO ANYONE REGARDLESS OF CAC ACCESS OR COMMERCIAL NETWORK.  To our Individual Reservists, A three-day virtual orientation for IMAs and PIRR members will be held 21 to 23 Aug beginning each day at 0800 MST.