The Unit Reserve Coordinator (URC) acts as primary conduit between the individual reservist (IR), active duty supervisor, commander, commander’s support staff, and the Readiness and Integration Organization (RIO). The URC position provides continuity and stability to the active component unit’s IR program. Appointed URCs must be an active duty military member, a civilian, or government contractor equivalent. IRs are not to be designated URCs.
URCs assist the active component unit commander ensuring that each IR has a supervisor appointed and that requisite training is being conducted and documented. They maintain and update IR management folders and the program continuity binder, ensuring all data is current. URCs assist the commander’s support staff with ensuring that IRs are in compliance with USAF commander’s programs such as weight management, physical fitness programs, drug testing, etc. They also ensure all assigned and attached IMAs are identified on base- level rosters and ensure all rosters are up-to-date. They may act as organization’s point of contact for all newly assigned IRs and provide welcome packages and points of contact.
URCs maintain current personal information on assigned IRs to assist during possible recall notifications.
*NOTE: URC must notify the detachment when they are no longer appointed as a URC