The HQ RIO Individual Reservist (IR) Advisory Council is a forum for HQ RIO leadership, RIO Detachment and Operating Location leadership, and a cross section of IRs to give a consolidated voice to all IRs. This council gives IRs the opportunity to identify issues experienced in the field, help identify IR-based solutions, and ultimately provide recommendations to the HQ RIO/CC for action.
IMAs, MAs and PIRR members from any AFSC and rank are eligible to participate. Members serve for a period of 2 years starting each FY with the option to renew membership each year with a 3-year term limit. (NOTE: This is a volunteer additional duty, not an IMA position.)
IR Advisory Council Charter
The current membership of the IR Council:
(The Governing Body and Advisory Board make up the Executive Council.)
Governing Body
HQ RIO/CC: Col Edward Segura
HQ RIO/DO: Mr. Gary Thurman
HQ RIO/CCC: CMSgt Natalie Gray
Advisory Board
Program Manager: Lt Col Randall Gernhardt
RIO First Sergeant: MSgt Krystal Knight
RIO Career Advisor: MSgt Ronald Brown
RIO Public Affairs: Lt Col Erin Karl
RIO Plans & Programs: Lt Col Randall Gernhardt
RIO IR Orders & Pay: Maj J. Darren Mattheis
Detachment Commander Representatives: Col Kerya Reyes (primary); Col Jena Silva (alternate)
Detachment Superintendent Representatives: CMSgt Jessica James (primary); CMSgt Derrick Stroman (alternate)
Operating Location Program Manager Representatives: Lt Col Joseph Legradi (primary); Lt Col Amber Hreczkosij and Maj Brian McCollum (alternates)
Thank you to our IR Advisory Council members for their continued service representing all IR's. For those interested in joining the council, the next membership drive will start around 15 June 23. IR's are encouraged to contact their council representatives to recommend topics to be discussed, bring issues to RIO leadership and to recommend solutions to help make it easier to serve for IR's. Topics may also be sent via email to:
Col Eric Simon, AFRC
Col Olivia Nelson, 37 TRW
Lt Col Dustin Born, AFIMSC
Lt Col Adriane Burgess, USNORTHCOM
Lt Col Jessica Greening, HQ USAF
Lt Col Katherine Seto, AMC
Maj Evamarie Etzel, USSTRATCOM
Capt Charles Tofel, AFOSI
1st Lt Matthew Terkay, USSOUTHCOM
CMSgt Christian Krug, ACC
SMSgt Alicia Aguilera, HQ AFRC
MSgt Marjorie Gessner, USAFE
MSgt Amber Armstrong, SAF
TSgt Nicole Bogan, USSOCOM
SSgt Jared Boles, AMC