(This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 30 Jan 2025. If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)
The RIO Buzz Vol 89
The President has recently issued Executive Orders that affect the Department of Defense. In response, RIO is committed to fully implementing and executing all directives outlined in these Executive Orders, upholding the highest standards of professionalism, efficiency, and alignment with national security objectives.
As we work to comply with these Executive Orders, we will provide regular updates on any resulting changes to our processes that may impact the IR force.
Now, on to the Buzz...
Dress and Appearance Changes: Effective 1 Feb 25, the following dress & appearance changes go into effect: duty identifier patches (i.e. career field patches) are no longer authorized; nail polish will be clear, French or American Manicure; for males – hair will not touch the ears and you must be clean-shaven at the start of each duty day (unless you have current medical waiver or religious accommodation). Please take time to watch Air Force standards videos HERE (tabs) and HERE (shaving profiles) that offer additional background and context to these updates.
Det 7 Temporary Relocation: Det 7 is temporarily operating in a telework status due to office renovations at JBAB bldg. 20 and currently lacks phone capability. For assistance, please submit a myFSS case for a callback. We expect that Det 7 will move into their new office space in late March or early April.
Annual Tour: The deadline for submitting AT orders requests is 31 May 25. To ensure timely processing and funding, we strongly recommend submitting your requests as soon as possible. Please note that submitting requests after the deadline does not guarantee funding availability, and late requests may not be executable. If you are uncertain about the exact dates, you can submit your AT request with your best estimate. You always have the option to modify the request later to adjust the dates as needed.
Pre-certifying Orders: If you're on a long-term order (over 30 days), don't forget to pre-certify your orders to ensure timely pay. To do so, simply submit your pre-certified order through myFSS to the RIO RPO, so you'll be set to receive pay on the 1st and 15th of every month. Members must also complete the “Close Certification” process upon completion of these orders via myFSS. Need help with the process? Check out the step-by-step instructions HERE.
Standing Announcements:
- Job Opportunities: Check out opportunities in GIGEAGLE. These may include part-or-full-time, RPA or MPA orders, or AT, IDT and points-only options.
- Retirement Certificates: ARPC is out of stock, but a new shipment is expected in mid-January 2025. Use mock certificates on myFSS if needed HERE.
Upcoming Events:
- Battle Rhythm Reminders:
- Virtual IR Orientation: 26-28 Feb 25
- Annual Tour orders request deadline: 31 May 25
Stay connected:
Stay connected: IR Guide - Headquarters RIO > IR Guide (af.mil)
Training videos - https://www.youtube.com/@HQRIOOfficial
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HQRIO/
Portal / website - https://www.hqrio.afrc.af.mil/
RIO Connect App - https://www.hqrio.afrc.af.mil/RIO-Connect/
Col Nathan “N8” Day