DTS Transition

DTS Transition

Have questions about the DTS transition, orders, travel, or pay?  Join the HQ RIO Customer Service Hour each Thursday at 1100 MST/1300 EST.  HQ RIO and detachment staff members will be on hand to assist you.

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Meeting ID: 161 385 4292
Passcode: 936906

On 1 October 2023, AFRC moved to the Defense Travel System (DTS) as the one and only travel system used to process travel vouchers, with limited exceptions (i.e. PCS and CED travel will still be completed in the Reserve Travel System [RTS].)
Why is AFRC doing this?
  1. To process timely travel payments for members, once vouchers are reviewed
  2. Reduce GTC delinquencies
  3. Reduce need for Mission Critical and Credit Limit increase requests
What can Airmen do to be ready for the DTS transition?
  1. Login to DTS and update profile(s) (gov’t travel card, address, bank info, etc.)
Now that AFRC has moved to DTS as the one travel system, AROWS-R will no longer flow into DTS and create an authorization as it does now.  AROWS-R will still be used to create the AF938, your orders.  The AF938 will be used to enter the member into a pay status; however, it will no longer serve as a travel authorization, so the flow to DTS will no longer exist. 
What does this mean to the traveler?
You will now be responsible for building your own authorization in DTS to book your airfare/lodging and rental vehicle. 

While more training and quick guides are on the way, the following guides are now available to assist you (these can also be found on the Quick Guides page.)

- DTS Quick Guide - for AT, RPA, and MPA orders
- IDT Lodging Quick Guide
- IDT Travel Quick Guide
- AT and IDTs in Conjunction Quick Guide
- PCS Quick Guide
- Local Mileage Quick Guide

In addition to the guides, HQ RIO hosted a DTS live virtual training Friday, 27 Oct at 1000 MDT/1200 EDT.  Below is the recorded training, the slides, and the Q&A:


Passcode: DTSOct2023!



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