Guidance Updates

HQ RIO virtual IR Orientation 7-9 June open to all

  • Published
  • HQ RIO
To our Individual Reservists,
A three-day virtual orientation for IMAs and PIRR members will be held 7-9 June 2023.  In the past this three-day set of briefings was made available only to those who had joined the IMA component within the last year.  However, some who have been IMAs and PIRR longer than that still wish to attend these presentations.  We have opened the vIRO up to more people to attend if they’d like to sit in. 
Each day's agenda is below.  All times are MDT (Colorado). You are welcome to join using the ZoomGov link below from any device (government or personal, including cellphones).  You will not be on orders like the registered attendees, but if you’d like to receive IDT credit, you can work that out with your active component supervisor.
Wednesday and Thursday briefings are for all ranks. Friday's sessions are divided into officer and enlisted breakouts in the morning, and then join back together in a general session after the lunch break.

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 148 5556
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+1 551 285 1373 US
Meeting ID: 160 148 5556
Passcode: 761263

Day 1 - 7 June
0800 – 0810 10 Welcome & ROEs Lt Col Erin Karl
0810 – 0820 5/5 HQ RIO Commander &
HQ RIO Command Chief
Col Edward Segura
CMSgt Heather Grey
0820 - 0910 50 HQ RIO Organization Lt Col Erin Karl
0910 - 0920 10 Break  
0920 -0950 30 Roles & Responsibilities Lt Col Erin Karl
0950-1020 30 Readiness Lt Col Erin Karl
1020-1030 10 Break  
1030-1130 60 Managing FY & R/R Lt Col Erin Karl
1130-1230 60 Lunch  
1230-1315 45 Medical TSgt Meaghan Witkoswki
1315-1345 30 Career Advisor MSgt Russell Clayton-Cornell
1345-1355 10 Break  
1355-1440 45 Retirement Col Maurleen Cobb
1440-1510 30 Navigating Systems/Annual updates Lt Col Erin Karl
1510-1515 5 Wrap-up Lt Col Erin Karl

Day 2 - 8 June 
0800–0810 10 Welcome & ROEs Lt Col Erin Karl
0810-0910 60 Pay Mrs. Nikki Johnson
0910-0920 10 Break  
0920-1050 90 Travel Mrs. Emily Stormfeltz
1050-1100 10 Break  
1100-1130 30 myFSS Orders Demo Ms. Emily Klins
 1130-1230 60 Lunch  
1230-1300 30 UTAPS MSgt Alexis De Fex
1330-1340 10 Break  
1340-1410 30 Classification/Training MSgt Frank Oliver-Henry
1410-1430 20 JA Lt Col Aaron Hause
1430-1445 15 IR Mentorship Program Lt Col Dustin Born
1445-1450 5 Wrap-Up Lt Col Erin Karl

Day 3 - 9 June - OFFICERS ONLY
0800-0810 10 Admin Comments Lt Col Erin Karl
0810-0820 10 Assigned to Break out Rooms  
0820-0935 75 Officer Promotions Lt Col Kristi Delcour
0935-0945 10 Break  
0945-1045 60 Force Development Maj Cara Swanson
Maj Freddy Rodriguez
1045-1115 30 Joint Officer Management Mrs. Sara Simms
1115-1230 75 Lunch (THE REST IN GENERAL SESSION)  
1230-1245 15 Recognitions SSgt Eric Sanchez
1245-1300 15 DD214 TSgt Wesley Morris
1300-1310 10 Break  
1310-1340 30 Post 9-11 GI Bill TSgt Timothy Vedder
1340-1400 20 Wrap up, end IRO  

Day 3 - 9 June - ENLISTED ONLY
0800-0810 10 Admin Comments Lt Col Erin Karl
0810-0820 10 Assigned to Break out Rooms  
0820-0850 30 Uniforms SSgt Michael Penaso
0850-0905 15 Evaluations TSgt Jaen Munguia
0905-0940 35 Force Development MSgt Alicia Corbett
0940-0955 15 Break  
0950-1100 55 Promotions/Reenlistments/Future Assignments MSgt Russell Clayton-Cornell
1100-1230 90 Lunch (Return to General)