Guidance Updates

MANDATORY – CAFR TASKORD 2023-01 Acknowledgement

  • Published
  • By HQ RIO
Individual Reservists,
On 4 August 2023, Lt Gen Healy published his second TASKORD as the CAFR, laying out his expectations. In that document, there are tasks for all Reserve Airmen, and specific responsibilities for each echelon of command.  He has directed all AFR members to read and acknowledge they are aware of their responsibilities under this order. 
To that end, each IR MUST acknowledge he/she has received and read the TASKORD by providing the information at the link below NLT 11 Sep 23.  This will document your understanding of the vital role we each have in maintaining readiness and will be used to report acknowledgement status to AFR leadership.
You can read the TASKORD HERE.  (Do not use the acknowledgement link in this document.  That is for commanders only.)
You can complete the HQ RIO IR acknowledgement HERE. (This acknowledgement is being captured via Survey Monkey.  If you have trouble reaching this from your government computer, access this from a personal computer or device and complete it there.)
As you read through the TASKORD, you will see most tasks under different command echelons are things spelled out in AFIs and are Commander's responsibilities.  For IRs, the tasks focus on maintaining personal readiness and responsiveness. 
Thanks for all you do for our Command.
Col Edward "Chad" Segura
HQ RIO Commander