
Deployments Navigation

Activation refers to the temporary expansion of the Active Component (AC) forces by both voluntary and involuntary means. Activations are frequently used to support contingencies, exercises or deployments associated with war efforts or domestic emergencies. It’s important to understand the different types of activation as it influences entitlements associated with each deployment. Table 10.1 Activation Authorities in the IR Guide reflects the different types of activations, their authorities and limitations associated with each.
Deployment Volunteer Process
IMAs may volunteer for deployment opportunities advertised through:
- Volunteer Reserve System (VRS) – AFSC approved 
- AFRC Functional Area Managers (FAMs)
- Assigned unit and/or the gaining command assuming they agree to provide associated man-days 
- 0-6 and above need AF/RE, AFRC/IG and FGC/CC approval

Deployments must have a valid Unit Line Number and be an approved SecDef deployment requirement tracked in a SIPR-based system.

Looking for the out-processing checklists? They are electronic and are located on the AFFORGEN CONNECT page. Base specific requirements are worked between the member and their UDM.

Forms and Templates for Voluntary Deployments
Voluntary deployment process guide
- How to fill an AD deployment

Deployment selection information memo
- IMA Exercise Guide
Voluntary Deployment SOU (AEF, Non-AEF w/ULN, Exercise w/ULN)
Deployed pay and entitlements brochure
-AFRC 1825 waiver guide

AFRC leave carryover program policy guidance (phase II)
- AFRC Guidance Memorandum on Downtime Policy
Mobilization involves the assembly, organization, and application of the nation’s resources for national defense and encompasses all activities necessary to prepare systematically and selectively for war. It is a non-voluntary “call-up” of personnel. NOTE: PIRR are mobilized only after partial, full, or total mobilization under Title 10, U.S.C., Sections 12301(a), 12302, or 12306 are invoked. The mobilization process of the PIRR is under the responsibility of ARPC and the Directorate of Personnel Actions (DPA) Division.

RIO Connect

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