IR Assignment Process

IR Assignment Process

Total Force Assignments outlines the procedures for assigning and utilizing members of the AFR.

  1. Active Component, Air National Guard (ANG), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), prior service, members returning from the Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty (VLPAD) program, and other military branch members are considered Accessions and must apply for an IR position through a Total Force Service Recruiter. For more information about the VLPAD program, search VLPAD on myPers.
    1. Accession applications will be sent to the Detachments via the Air Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS) system. Detachments will coordinate with the Unit Reserve Coordinator (URC) or hiring authority. If selected, Detachments will complete the Second Endorsement of the AF Form 1288 and send it back to the recruiter. Once the members (exception IRR) have been discharged from their current “service”, recruiters will forward the required documents to the ARPC Accessions section to create the new member’s Reserve profile. Then the Accessions section will forward the application to the ARPC Assignment section. The overall process can take up to 45-60 days depending on where they are accessing from. Once the member has been officially gained, ARPC will send a notification to the gaining Detachment. The Detachment will send a Welcome Packet to the gained member via myPers.
  2. Current IRs O-5 and below wanting to apply for a new IMA position will process their paperwork through the gaining and losing unit’s servicing Detachment. O-6 and above will work through the Reserve Senior Leader Management office. IRs wanting to apply for Traditional Reservist (TR) positions will process their paperwork through the gaining Force Support Squadron (FSS) and losing unit’s servicing Detachment. Vacancies can be viewed on the Reserve Vacancies link tab accessible through AFPC Secure.
    1. Refer to the Reserve Management Vacancy System (RMVS) job description, remarks section or contact the POC listed on the reserve vacancy announcement for specific package requirements and application procedures. Generally, an AF Form 1288 Application for Reserve Assignment, signed by the IR’s losing Commander, resume and last 3 OPRs/EPRs are needed to apply for an IR position. On-line applications via the RMVS system are not accepted. Once the Detachment has received all the applicable documents from the member, they will in-turn coordination with the URC or hiring authority. If selected, the gaining Detachment will complete the Second Endorsement of the AF Form 1288 and forward it to the IR’s losing Detachment to complete the Third Endorsement. Once the AF Form 1288 is completed, then the gaining Detachment will forward the gain package to the ARPC Assignment section. ARPC has 14 business days to complete requested actions. The overall process can take up to 30 days. Once the member has been officially gained, ARPC will send a notification to the gaining Detachment. The Detachment will send a Welcome Packet to the gained member via myPers.
NOTE: AF Forms can be obtained on e-Publication, and evaluations can be obtained in the Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA) accessible through AFPC Secure.

For more information about assignments and links to helpful sites, visit the ARPC assignments page HERE.

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