Key, Command and Joint (KCJ) officer O-5 positions are managed in accordance with DAFI 36-2670, Executing Total Force Development, Chapter 1.6.3. Each year, career field manager (CFMs) review their career field key, command and joint duty list to determine “key” positions within their career field which would provide the experiences necessary to develop Reserve Citizen Airmen and equip them with the right capabilities to potentially become Total Force senior leaders. Eligible candidates for key/command/joint positions include individuals listed on Reserve development team Key Personnel Lists (KPL) and Reserve Command Screening Board (RCSB). Currently, the IR program does not have any positions designated as Command positions. Selects for the KCJ assignments will be required to sign a Statement of Understanding (SOU) acknowledging that they will only occupy the position for three-years for Key positions or four-years for Joint, aka, Joint Development Assignment Listing (JDAL) tours.
For more information about assignments and links to helpful sites, visit the ARPC assignments page
Helpful Link
KCJ Management website