Annual Tour

Annual Tour

** All IRs use myFSS to request orders - Get more info HERE **

All Annual tour requests must be submitted by 31 May each year. This is to ensure they are published by 30 June each year per DAFMAN 36-2136. If you are in a situation where it is after 1 June and you haven't put your AT orders request into myFSS yet, you’ll need to complete this MFR and have it signed by your Active Duty CC or Unit Colonel (0-6), Det CC and approved by the HQ RIO/DO prior to participating on the orders. These requests can be disapproved at any indorsement level due to submission after 31 May or funding constraints. 

Providing the following items will assist/ensure your orders getting processed:
  • If Applicable, Annual Tour Special Tour Request (ATSRF)
  • Any Applicable Reporting Instructions
  • IMR print-out
IDTs in Conjunction
Some IRs choose to plan their IDTs and AT "in conjunction" in order to use the travel benefit of the AT orders to cover the IDT periods as well.  You must put the days in UTAPS and notate on the orders request that you are doing IDTs in conjunction. For more information, click HERE for the quick guide.

Split AT
Split AT may be allowed by Det CC to accommodate special mission or training requirements and is the exception. Split ATs will not be for the IR’s convenience and must be justified in the remarks section of the AROWS-R request. IDTs may be taken in conjunction with split tour; however, they may only be split when travel is involved. IRs must submit a Special Tour Request for approval to split their AT.

MI&E (per diem)

JTR 032303 A (3) a: An RC member listed below when both Government quarters, other than temporary lodging facilities, and a Government dining facility are available. An RC member performing annual training (AT). In this case the training location is the PDS, and no per diem is payable. Per diem is payable for TDY away from the annual training location or for travel to and from the annual training location if not in a commuting status.

Quarters and meals available? no M&IE.

Quarters available, but not meals? full M&IE.

Non-A? Full M&IE

Stay off base without non-a and base has DFAC? no M&IE

Orders Navigation

Annual Tour Orders
- Deadline for submission
- Annual Tour Special Request Form (ATSRF)
- IDTs in Conjunction

MPA Orders
- Fund Cite Authorization
- M4S Task ID

RPA Orders
- ADT Orders
- ADOS Orders
- School Tours

TDY Orders
- Requesting TDY Orders

PCS Orders
- Household Goods

Verbal Orders of the Commander (VOCO)
- VOCO Process

Telecommuting Orders
- Telecommute Agreement
- How to Request Telecommute Orders
myFSS Orders Request
- Link
- Quick Guide
- Requesting orders

AROWS-R Information
- Tracking your orders
- Printing your orders

Order Modifications
- Reasons for a modification
- How to request a modification or cancellation
- Submitting date change mods to RPO

Routing Information
- How is an order routed?
- When is it routed?
- Online Training
- Sanctuary Waiver
- Fund Cite Authorization Letter
- Modes
- Justification
- Corporate Limits/Commuting
- Travel Days

Per Diem
- Government Lodging
- Government Meals
- Non-Availability

Special Authorizations
- Rental Cars
- In/Around Travel
- Registration/Conference Fees
- Actual Expense Allowable (AEA)
- Variations
- Dual Lodging
Certifying Short Tours
- AROWS-R TODC - member
- AROWS-R TODC - certifier
- Troubleshooting

Certifying Long Tours
- Pre-Certification
- Final Certification
- Submission Instructions
Orders Guidance
- Links
- Contacts for Orders Writers

RIO Connect

RIO Connect phoneApple Store link to downloadGoogle Play Store download link


Graphic link The Guide for Individual Reservists page

Quick Guides page graphic link