RPA Orders

** All IRs use myFSS to request orders - Get more info HERE **

Requesting RPA Orders

In addition to IDT and AT, there are three other types of special tours that fall under RPA: Active Duty for Training (ADT), Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), and School tours.  RPA are orders funded by the Air Force Reserve.

ADT is used to supplement AT and IDT when additional training is needed to achieve or maintain a required skill or skill level in the IR's assigned Duty Air Force Specialty Code (DAFSC). ADT includes the Seasoning Training Program 1 and Seasoning Training Program 2 or STP-1 and STP-2.

ADOS provides direct support to Reserve programs. ADOS days are distributed directly from AFRC or through RIO Detachments.

School tour funding may be used by IRs for, but not limited to, the following: Officer Developmental Education (DE), Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME), Professional Continuing Education (PCE), Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), initial skill training for nonrated officers and enlisted members (technical school for award of AFSC).

Providing the following items will assist/ensure your orders getting processed:

  1. Any Applicable Reporting Instructions
  2. Email from unit budget office with funding information (Wing, OWA, ESP Code) or BRS message
  3. IMR print-out
  4. Leave carry over packet (if applicable)
  5. Sanctuary waiver if member is in the zone
  6. 1095 waiver (if applicable)
  1. TLN /RIP report signed by Det Commander
  2. Any Reporting Instructions:
  3. IMR print-out

Orders Navigation

Annual Tour Orders
- Deadline for submission
- Annual Tour Special Request Form (ATSRF)
- IDTs in Conjunction

MPA Orders
- Fund Cite Authorization
- M4S Task ID

RPA Orders
- ADT Orders
- ADOS Orders
- School Tours

TDY Orders
- Requesting TDY Orders

PCS Orders
- Household Goods

Verbal Orders of the Commander (VOCO)
- VOCO Process

Telecommuting Orders
- Telecommute Agreement
- How to Request Telecommute Orders
myFSS Orders Request
- Link
- Quick Guide
- Requesting orders

AROWS-R Information
- Tracking your orders
- Printing your orders

Order Modifications
- Reasons for a modification
- How to request a modification or cancellation
- Submitting date change mods to RPO

Routing Information
- How is an order routed?
- When is it routed?
- Online Training
- Sanctuary Waiver
- Fund Cite Authorization Letter
- Modes
- Justification
- Corporate Limits/Commuting
- Travel Days

Per Diem
- Government Lodging
- Government Meals
- Non-Availability

Special Authorizations
- Rental Cars
- In/Around Travel
- Registration/Conference Fees
- Actual Expense Allowable (AEA)
- Variations
- Dual Lodging
Certifying Short Tours
- AROWS-R TODC - member
- AROWS-R TODC - certifier
- Troubleshooting

Certifying Long Tours
- Pre-Certification
- Final Certification
- Submission Instructions
Orders Guidance
- Links
- Contacts for Orders Writers

RIO Connect

RIO Connect phoneApple Store link to downloadGoogle Play Store download link


Graphic link The Guide for Individual Reservists page

Quick Guides page graphic link