Due to circumstances beyond the member’s control which prevent written orders in advance IRs may be directed to travel without a copy of written orders. This type of travel is called “Verbal Orders of the Commander” or VOCO.
IRs with greater than 18 years total active federal military service are NOT authorized VOCO orders unless an approved Sanctuary Waiver is on file and the VOCO is requested prior to the tour start date. After which, a VOCO can then be considered. If no waiver is on file the member would not be authorized to proceed on the tour.
VOCOs are only used as a last resort and are only issued when time or system errors prevents the publication of written orders in advance.
They are not intended to be used due to a lack of planning.
For all tours, VOCOs must be approved by the Det CC prior to departure. VOCO requests will be initiated by completing the VOCO Letter template and final VOCO will be confirmed in writing by the Det CC. Members MUST create their DTS authorization for the trip as soon as possible so that funds are obligated.