R/R dates vary from member to member and are used to determine satisfactory years for the purpose of retirement. If a member is assigned on or after 1 October 1995, an R/R date is established as the date of initial entry into uniformed service, however, a new R/R date may be established if an assignment is from an inactive status.
An R/R year begins on one day of one year and ends on the preceding day of the next year. For example, for a member with an R/R of 1 July: if the first day began on 1 July 2020, then the R/R year would conclude on 30 June 2021.
The R/R date is found on assignment orders, Career Data Brief (CDB), or by reviewing a point summary via the Point Credit Accounting Reporting System (PCARS). PCARS is accessible through the vMPF through the AFPC Secure link which can be accessed on the Air Force Portal or myPers website.