Preventative Health Assessment (PHA)

Periodic Health Assessment (PHA)

PHAs consist of three parts - (1) the questionnaire (PHAQ), (2) the Mental Health Assessment (MHA) and (3) the medical provider’s assessment.

All three parts must be completed to be "green" on your PHA. IRs will be due for their next PHA/PHAQ 12 months after completing the PHA and will show “yellow” or “due” for 90 days before showing “red” or “not ready/overdue.”

The PHAQ is accessed through the MyIMR website (CAC enabled). 

Upon completing your PHAQ, you will need to complete your MHA. Scheduling your MHA is easy. Contact the Reserve Health Readiness Program (RHRP) Call Center at 1-833-782-RHRP (1-833-782-7477) or visit to create an account for online scheduling.  

Medical Provider's Assessment
Once MHA is complete, then IRs should contact their servicing MTF regarding their PHAs and submitting documentation to them unless they are utilizing RHRP/reside more than 50 miles from and MTF to complete their PHA. If you have questions or need to request an PHA via RHRP, you may do so using this myFSS link.
Login to MyIMR to access the questionnaire and to learn how your Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) handles the MHA and possible follow up appointments.
Note: As of Oct. 7, 2020, the in-person PHA requirement was removed from AFI 48-170. The Air Force Reserve no longer requires an in-person PHA visit for NON-RATED/ NON-FLYERS.

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