Any IR that performs 180 days or more of orders is required to complete the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Contact the local base Airman and Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) for details on the course. TAP is congressionally mandated and attendance is REQUIRED, currently each time a member performs a tour of 180 days or over and is ending those orders. Training may be completed during the members qualifying tour or on separate RPA orders funded by HQ AFRC. TAP is designed to help you understand your military benefits and assist with your transition to the civilian sector.
TAP consists of the following four components:
- Pre-separation counseling and Individualized Transition Plan
- Transition GPS workshop, including Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Training (Members may opt-out of the DOL portion with confirmed employment; documented accredited school acceptance; previous TAP attendance; or medical or special circumstances. NOTE: Exemptions must be coordinated in advance through the A&FRC.)
- Veterans Affairs Benefits briefing
- Capstone
TAP Overview
When you know your time on long-term orders (180+ days) is coming to an end, it's time to start planning your return to civilian life. This is a significant event for you and your family, so you'll want to approach it armed with good information, the right skills and a well-developed plan. The Transition Assistance Program, through the Transition Goals, Plans and Success curriculum, will provide you with the knowledge and practical tools you need to make the switch back to civilian life with confidence.
TAP is a Congressionally-mandated benefits and services program designed to prepare service members and their families for a successful transition to civilian life. TAP helps you answer these important questions associated with leaving the military:
- What skills, talents and experience do I have that are needed in the civilian workforce?
- What kind of work do I want to do?
- Will I need additional training or education to reach my career goals?
- How do I search for a civilian job and make myself as competitive as possible?
- How can I make the transition to civilian life easier for my family and me?
TAP consists of a pre-separation briefing, the Transition GPS curriculum, which includes Department of Labor and Veterans Affairs briefings, optional career and technical training tracks, and a final meeting with the member's commander. All Individual Reservists who have served on 180+ days of consecutive orders since November 2012 must complete T-GPS.
Visit the DOD TAP website for additional information.