Master Personnel Record Group

Master Personnel Record Group (MPerRGp)

HQ ARPC maintains master personnel records for all IRs. The MPerRGp contains all permanent military personnel documents such as the DD Form 214, DD Form 4, special orders, performance reports, etc., and is electronically maintained in the Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA).

Military Personnel Records System (MPERR) and Official Document Requests
IRs have the capability to access and retrieve some military personnel documents by accessing PRDA via AFPC Secure. It is also possible to access these documents via myVector via the Air Force Portal. Copies of certain documents may be obtained by submitting an online requests to the Total Force Service Center through myPers.

Removal of Erroneous Documents
To remove erroneous documents from the Automated Records Management System/ Personnel Records Display Application which contain the member’s military personnel record, contact the Total Force Service Center through myPers with your personal information, and a description of the issue.

Updating Duty History
To update duty history, officers must have performed in the duty for 60 or more calendar days, and enlisted members must have performed in the duty for at least 120 or more calendar days. TDY duty history cannot be updated in a member's Duty History. In addition to duty history, effective dates, command level, DAFSC, Duty Title, Unit, Installation and MAJCOM information can be updated. Requests and all source documents are sent to the Total Force Service Center via a myPers ticket. If the member is meeting a board, ensure the request includes the board date and ID. After submitting the request, call or email the Total Force Service Center so it can be flagged. The following are acceptable source documents:
- AF Form 1098, Special Task Certification and Recurring Training
- AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB thru TSgt)
- AF Form 911, Senior Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt thru CMSgt)
- AF Form 707A, Field Grade Officer Performance Report (Maj thru COL)
- AF Form 707B, Company Grade Officer Performance Report (2LT thru Capt)
- Special Orders (P-Series)
- General Orders (for organizational Changes)

Personal Records
It is highly recommended that IRs keep a personal copy of their MPerGR and assignment and participation orders, 40As, pay documents, LES, medical forms and any other source documentation concerning the member’s military career. Copies of the member’s personnel records can be obtained in PRDA accessible through AFPC Secure or in MyVector via the Air Force Portal.

Career Management Navigation

Force Development
- Force Development
- Development Teams
- Reserve Enlisted and Officer Development Plans

Developmental Education
- Developmental Education
- Enlisted Developmental Education Board
- Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board
- Non-Board In-Residence and Distance Learning Courses

Formal Schools
- Formal School Request Process

Education Benefits
- Post 9/11 GI Bill
- Tuition Assistance
- Evaluations
- Enlisted Performance Report
- Officer Performance Report

- Enlisted Promotions
- Unit Vacancy Promotions
- Officer Promotions
- Mandatory Consideration
- Position Vacancy Consideration
- Officer Selection Board

- RIO Non-EAD Airman Commissioning Program
- Retirement
- Blended Retirement System

Master Personnel Record Group


RIO Connect

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