Talent Management Consultant

Talent Management Consultant

As YOUR Talent Management Consultant, I can provide guidance on the following items:

Career Management

Developmental Education Opportunities

  • Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB)
  • Reserve Development Education Designation Board (RSSB)
  • Enlisted Development Education Board (EDEB)

Special Boards

  • Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP II)

Blended Retirement System Continuation Pay

  • Complete BRS CP Process Counseling

Survey Management


Master Sgt. Russell Clayton-Cornell official photo

My name is MSgt Russell Clayton-Cornell and I am your Talent Management Consultant for our IRs. I have 13 years of total service. My career started in 2010 as Security Forces and was selected for Deployed Ground Response Element (DAGRE) at Hurlburt Field. During that time, I was a part of multiple operations overseas in Africa. In 2016 I cross trained into the Administration career field and served at the Wing and Direct Reporting Unit levels. Prior to his current position, he was the Section Chief of the Commander Support Staff, Headquarters Space Training and Readiness Command, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado. Space Training and Readiness Command is responsible for preparing the USSF and more than 6,000 Guardians to prevail in competition and conflict through innovative education, training, doctrine, and test activities.


I am extremely passionate about retention and care of the IR population. My goal is to maintain constant career management improvement through innovative and standardized solutions that help you navigate your time as an IMA and beyond. I ensure clear communication exists between the RIO Detachments, IRs and HQ ARPC for all things career management. I manage the Blended Retirement System (BRS) Continuation Pay process. I also work directly with ARPC to insure any Re-enlistment, Affiliation, or Retraining bonuses are processed correctly and paid to you. I am here to assist you in development of your R-EDP/ODP to help you translate your goals to your career functional managers. I also provide assistance for special boards such as the STEP II promotion board and the Command E8/E9 boards. Interested in exploring more professional education opportunities? I can also educate and assist you with development of your school board applications for RSSB, RDEDB and the EDEB. I also work with Force Management with our vacancies across the entire RIO Enterprise. Please get with me if an assignment change is in your future. Since my main mission is you, I want to hear how we are doing in our effort to make it easy for you to serve. 


Contact me via my org box or by phone. I am here to assist you obtain your career and professional education goals! I look forward to hearing from you.


Phone: DSN 847-3162 Comm: 720-847-3162
Email: ARPC.HQRIO.CareerAssistance@us.af.mil


Career Management Navigation

Force Development
- Force Development
- Development Teams
- Reserve Enlisted and Officer Development Plans

Developmental Education
- Developmental Education
- Enlisted Developmental Education Board
- Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board
- Non-Board In-Residence and Distance Learning Courses

Formal Schools
- Formal School Request Process

Education Benefits
- Post 9/11 GI Bill
- Tuition Assistance
- Evaluations
- Enlisted Performance Report
- Officer Performance Report

- Enlisted Promotions
- Unit Vacancy Promotions
- Officer Promotions
- Mandatory Consideration
- Position Vacancy Consideration
- Officer Selection Board

- RIO Non-EAD Airman Commissioning Program
- Retirement
- Blended Retirement System

Master Personnel Record Group


RIO Connect

RIO Connect phoneApple Store link to downloadGoogle Play Store download link


Graphic link The Guide for Individual Reservists page

Quick Guides page graphic link