RIO Buzz

RIO Buzz (VOL 71)

 (This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 23 May 2024. If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)


The RIO Buzz                                                                                                           Vol 71

Memorial Day stands as a solemn occasion, urging us to pause, reflect, and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. It's a day steeped in remembrance, reminding us of the debt we can never fully repay to our fallen heroes and their families. I’d like to extend an invitation to observe the Memorial Day National Moment of Remembrance on Monday, 27 May 24, wherever you may be, at 3pm in your local time zone. Let's unite for 60 seconds of silence with all Americans, service members, civilians, both young and old, to honor the memory of those who laid down their lives in service to our Nation. Now the Buzz ….   

Annual Tour Orders Request deadline is 31 May 24 
Annually, Individual Reservists (IRs) are required to submit their AT orders requests to the Orders Writing Cell (OWC) in myFSS by 31 May 24. Even if dates are uncertain, members MUST still submit orders requests. Modifications to the dates can be requested later, even after 31 May. Submissions beyond this date must be accompanied by a late AT request memo, which requires endorsements from your AC CC (or unit O-6) and your RIO Detachment CC. You can find the memo template HERE. After 31 May, AT funding allocation will be uncertain, and there are no guarantees that late requests will be able to be fulfilled based on availability of funds in the last quarter of FY24.  

(NEW!) Changes to allowances for Airmen with dependents attending training 
Airmen and Guardians with dependents conducting a permanent change of station (PCS) to a Professional Military Education (PME) or training location are now authorized to collect per diem in the amount of the basic allowance for housing (BAH) without-dependent rate, in addition to their dependent-rate BAH at the primary residence where their dependents reside.  

The FY23 NDAA (signed 23 Dec 22) authorized per diem for members who PCS to PME or training (less than 365 days) in the amount of the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for their PME or training class location and BAH for their previous duty station if they meet the following conditions: 

1. Members must have orders to return to their previous duty station. 
​2. Members must maintain their primary residence where their dependents remain/reside. 

Eligible members will receive BAH at the with dependent rate based on their previous location and per diem in the amount of BAH at without dependent rate based on their PME or training location.  

Members are eligible for retroactive pay if they met criteria during a course they attended on or after 23 Dec 22. Members who become eligible during training are entitled to retroactive pay based on the date their orders were amended.  

This provision does not replace the SecAF TDY waiver for formal training which authorizes courses with a duration between 140 - 180 days to be completed in TDY status versus PCS.  Publication of Department of the Air Force guidance was delayed pending release of Office of Secretary of Defense guidance.  

AFRC/FM has authorized RIO RPO to start payments when proper documentation is received for FY23 PCS Allowances when attending PME for members with dependents. Units are only authorized to start processing payments for the with-Dependent allowance at this time.  No payment is authorized for the FY24 without-Dependent entitlement until further guidance is received. 

Story link HERE. 

(NEW!) Want to go active duty … join the Space Force?  
On 1 Jun 24, the application window for Air Force Reservists to apply for full-time transfer to the Space Force will open on myVector. The transfer window will stay open through 30 Nov 24. 

The following AFSCs are eligible to apply:  

  • Officers: 13S, 14N, 17X, 6X 
  • ​Enlisted: 1C6X1, 1N0, 1N1, 1N2, 1N3, 1N4, 1N8, 1D7X1, 1D7X2, 1D7X3 

Click HERE to apply. For more information, visit HERE.  

Any immediate questions may be directed to the PMA team at, or posted on the Personnel Management Act (PMA) channel in the Guardian Forum.  

Per Diem on AT (Point of clarification) … Getting You Paid Faster 
Since January 2024, the Top 2 reasons for vouchers being returned by the RIO Travel Reimbursement Office (TRO) are: 1) missing attached orders (AF 938) and/or 2) claiming per diem while on Annual Training (AT). Members are only authorized per diem while on AT, if they possess a non-availability letter and have lodged off base, or if no DFAC is available on base. 

AROWS-R + UTAPS Survey  
There’s an opportunity to provide AROWS-R and UTAPS feedback. SAF is actively seeking your input these systems.  If anyone is interested in providing feedback to the AROWS Design Team, please take the survey HERE. Survey closes on 31 May 24.  

Individual Reservist (IR) of the Year Nomination
Nominations for Outstanding IR of the Year are open until 31 May 24. Award categories include Amn, NCO, SNCO, CGO, and FGO. Nomination packages must include an endorsement by your active-duty commander, AF Form 1206, your fitness history report, and ARCNet report. For complete details and nomination templates, please visit HERE.   

(NEW!) IMA Job Search Guide  
There are many resources for members seeking IMA assignments. The IR Strategy Office (ISO) prepared a guide to assist members in navigating the many opportunities available. Click here to read more: Individual Mobilization Augmentee Strategic Review (

Reoccurring issue resurfaces – TODC Supervisor email 
The AROWS-R Tour of Duty Certification (TODC) email to supervisor function is experiencing issues again resulting in the auto-generated email failing to reach the supervisor as defined by the member during the initial part of the certification process. Nothing new here. HQ AFRC is aware of this issue and is working with the developers to address it. Members can access known troubleshooting tips HERE.  

Missed the IR All Call or the vIRO?
You can access recordings of both the IR All Call from 14 May 24, and the virtual IR Orientation held from 8-10 May 24, HERE.   


Col Nathan “N8” Day
HQ RIO Commander 

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