(This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 1 Nov 2022. If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)
RIO Buzz Vol. 41
Do you use the RIO Connect app on your phone to get questions answered and receive support? You should! Click HERE for information about downloading the app and joining your detachment group. Now, the Buzz…
HQ RIO has scheduled its FY23 virtual IR Orientation dates. The vIRO is a three-day virtual class with briefings covering everything an IR needs to know (pay, travel, orders, readiness, etc.) For those who have become IMAs/PIRR in the last year, further information closer to these dates will go out regarding paid telework RPA orders for attendance. However, unlike years past, HQ RIO is making the event available for ANY IMA/PIRR to attend. If you don’t qualify for the RPA, you can still sit in on the briefings you find useful. While you won’t get paid, you can speak to your AC supervisor about receiving points-only IDTs for attending. The FY 23 dates are 12-14 April, 7-9 June, and 16-18 August.
We have put together a quick cheat sheet of top reasons for travel voucher kick backs. This covers, RTS, DTS, and IDT lodging and travel issues. Before you submit, use this to make sure you’ve done everything you can to make sure it’s correct. You can find this new quick guide HERE.
It’s that time of year again. All reservists must get a flu shot and provide that documentation to their AC MTF or HQ RIO Medical. Right now, unless already completed, members are showing YELLOW on this portion of their myIMR. On Dec 15, that turns red. You can receive a flu shot at any MTF, or at most doctor’s offices and drug stores. The IMR Quick Guide HERE will give you more information.
If you contribute to TSP, check you account and make sure your contributions and beneficiaries are correct. A recent DFAS update set contributions to zero for some members and deleted beneficiaries. You can check your TSP settings by logging into https://mypay.dfas.mil/.
HIV tests for readiness must be done at an MTF
We were just notified that the approval for the Reserve Health Readiness Program (RHRP) to be utilized for HIV was not routed to the appropriate approval authority. Due to this it is being immediately put on hold. This is a good time to reinforce that HIV tests for military readiness MUST be done at an MTF (or RHRP once it is back up). We are still getting people submitting results from their civilian providers or from the VA. These aren’t acceptable. For more information about the HIV test, click HERE.
Col Edward “Chad” Segura
HQ RIO Commander