(This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 27 Jan 2021. If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)
RIO Buzz Vol. 21
This has been a busy January, both at HQ RIO and for all of you, I’m sure! I’d appreciate it if you’d taking a quick moment to get caught up with what’s happening here – staying connected to us is time well spent!
The latest Buzz:
AFRC published great information about the COVID vaccine that I’d like to share with you. The vaccine is not mandatory at this time. It is tracked in ASIMS but will remain colored “pink” until mandatory. Vaccines are highly effective at preventing COVID-19 and protects the community since you are less likely to asymptomatically spread the virus. However, it is important that we continue to wear masks and socially distance to reduce the spread of the virus.
When and where do you get vaccinated? Your installation commanders where you are assigned will utilize schema tiers to distribute the vaccine, but I highly encourage you to reach out to your servicing MTF to ask when you can receive your vaccine. If you are in status and believe you fall into the priority schema, please work with your commander and MTF to get your vaccine.
For complete information about receiving the vaccine as an IR, click here (CAC-required): https://afrc.eim.us.af.mil/sites/fgc/afrc_cat/CurrentCrisis/SitePages/Vaccine Ops.aspx
Being an IR affords you a lot of flexibility and that is one of the biggest reasons we serve. However, the program does require certain actions to be accomplished by you to make it easier for everyone to serve. This includes submitting your AT orders requests on time and staying current on your readiness items. Not meeting these requirements could have a negative impact on your ability to participate and we certainly don’t want that to happen.
IRs must have their AT orders requests submitted by 31 May in order for the funding to be set aside and to meet the AFMAN 36-2136 directive of having orders published by 30 Jun. Requests submitted after 31 May will require the member to submit justification/explanation for the late request to their Det/CC for approval. AT orders may also be denied based on the IR’s readiness status and compliance with all IMR items.
An updated version of the FY21 IDT Travel Reimbursement Guide is now on the HQ RIO website. In November 2020, HQ AFRC hosted a CPI event, and one of the most eye-opening discussions concerned the cost of tolls for our Airmen in certain regions of the country and how the IDT travel reimbursement voucher process required receipts for highway and road tolls that sometimes takes months for Airmen to receive. Effective immediately, HQ AFRC/FM confirmed that receipts are NOT required for highway/road tolls as long as the charge for the individual tolls being claimed are less than $75. Collectively, the tolls may exceed $75, but receipts are not required for individual toll charges less than this amount. This is great news! The updated guide can be found here: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/Portals/4/DRIO/FY21 Inactive Duty for Training Travel Reimbursement Guide.pdf
In December, our Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General CQ Brown published an impactful set of action orders that explain his strategic approach to Accelerate Change or Lose. This document validates the steps we have been taking at HQ RIO for the last year – finding ways to make it easier for you to serve. The list of initiatives we have rolled out so far can be found on the HQ RIO website (LINK), and we are working on more. There is still much to do, but we will continue to take steps forward to accelerate change here at HQ RIO in order to help you serve more easily. I highly recommend that you take a few moments to read General Brown’s action orders if you haven’t already. You can find that document here: https://www.af.mil/Portals/1/documents/csaf/CSAF_Action_Orders_Letter_to_the_Force.pdf
That’s the buzz for now. Thanks for ALL you do!
Col Amy Boehle, HQ RIO Commander