RIO Buzz Vol. 34
Hello! This is my first RIO Buzz as the new commander of HQ RIO. I’ve been in the seat less than a month, and it’s been busy, as I’m sure you can imagine. Here’s the latest Buzz …
I’m Col Edward Segura, your new HQ RIO commander. My family and I just PCSed from the Pentagon where I was the chief of the Military Compensation Policy Division. I started my career as a personnel officer, but I’ve also worked in protocol, services, aircraft maintenance, and other aspects of mission support. I spent my first 14 years on active duty, and then transferred to the Reserve, serving as a traditional reservist, ART and an AGR. While I haven’t been an IR, I’ve served with many of you, and I’m well aware of what a force multiplier you are for our Air Force.
I’m also keenly aware that serving as an IR has its challenges. Recently pay and travel reimbursement have been particularly challenging. I want you to know that those are at the top of my list to tackle, and we are doing everything we can to alleviate that pain point. More to come.
Our RIO pay team has identified a computer coding issue going back to May 2021 with the daily batch files from UTAPS that are sent to DFAS to generate your IDT pay. We are working closely with AFRC/FM, the owners of UTAPS, to not only fix it going forward, but to create a blanket repair for anyone affected by the issue over the last seven months. If you think you may be affected by this, here’s what I ask you to do:
- ARE YOU AFFECTED? If you have IDT periods from May 2021 to present that are BLACK in UTAPS, but have not resulted in pay, there is a good chance this system glitch has affected you. Compare your UTAPS calendar to your LESes in myPay as well as your points in PCARS to see if there are any disconnects. No need for a myPers ticket yet, but we will ask you to check again later to see if it was corrected.
- WHAT’S THIS BLANKET FIX? We will be generating corrected batch reports for the last seven months, and pushing those to pay. If this fix works, these new corrected batch pushes will generate pay and points for any members affected by the glitch en masse.
- HOW LONG WILL THE FIX TAKE? We expect the corrected batch pushes to take roughly two weeks. That means that members who are missing pay should see an LES generate in myPay by 15 December.
- WHAT SHOULD YOU DO NOW? If you find that you have been affected by this, make a note of the dates of the missing pay/points. Periodically log into myPay to see if an LES generates for those days over the next two weeks. When it does, money should hit your bank account a few days later.
- SHOULD YOU CREATE A MYPERS TICKET? Not yet. Please hold off creating a myPers ticket until after 15 December to give the RIO pay office time to see if this fix works. If it does, there will be no reason to submit a ticket.
Here are some links and guides that will assist you with finding the information you need:
How to check your PCARS: https://www.hqrio.afrc.af.mil/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=u_ZMO0ebRMQ%3d&portalid=149
myPay: https://mypay.dfas.mil/#/
How to get to UTAPS: https://www.hqrio.afrc.af.mil/Portals/149/IR%20Guide%20and%20Quick%20Guides/Quick%20Guides/UTAPSWeb%20Calendar%20Build%20Quick%20Guide.pdf?ver=WHaawvhHRCWz7OfkHrLmtw%3d%3d
We really appreciate your patience as we try to fix this IDT pay problem. As we get close to the 15th, we will update you on our progress, hopefully with news of great success. If not, then with detailed guidance on what to do next.
Did you know you need to pay close attention to your ETS (Expiration Term of Service)? Especially if you are coming direct from RegAF (Palace Chase or Palace Front) and did not immediately reenlist with your recruiter. Why is this important? Your ETS can come up on you fast. You MUST act prior to your ETS date or you may find yourself being ETS discharged from the Air Force. For more information on reenlisting, click HERE: https://www.hqrio.afrc.af.mil/Career-Management/Career-Advisor/. If you have questions, contact the HQ RIO Career Assistance Advisor MSgt Ronald Brown at 720-847-3187 or email him at ARPC.HQRIO.CareerAssistance@us.af.mil.
Col Edward “Chad” Segura, HQ RIO Commander