(This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 9 Nov 2020. If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)
RIO Buzz Vol. 17
Veterans Day is this week, and I want to thank each of you for your service to our amazing country and the people who can pursue happiness because of you. We are the “Land of the Free” because of the sacrifices and bravery of those who came before us and those of you serving today.
Veterans Day (formally known as Armistice Day) is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I to honor US veterans of all wars. In President Kennedy’s proclamation of Veterans Day in 1961, he encouraged citizens to observe Veterans Day in ceremonies that are, “expressive of our people’s desire for peace and their gratitude to our veterans who have served and sacrificed to attain it.” Your willingness to voluntarily serve our country and give unselfishly in her defense is why we pause to reflect on this day.
This year has been different with the challenges and changes our nation has faced and conquered, but our military continues to stand strong and be called upon to lead the way. I am grateful for how honorably you serve, your dedication and who you are.
Here’s the latest Buzz:
Even though we’re still working in this unique COVID environment, it’s still your responsibility to stay current with your IMR (dental, PHA and immunizations). You can check the status of your IMR here: https://asimsimr.health.mil/imr/MyIMR.aspx. If you have trouble reaching this site, try using Desktop Anywhere.
Right now the IR force is at 60% compliance, and AFRC’s goal is 80%. We are here to help you if you get push back from your local MTFs, so contact your Dets and active component supervisors for help. Not completing your IMR requirements will impact your ability to get orders and participate. We don’t want to see that happen, so if you have ANY questions about accessing your IMR or completing your IMR requirements, refer to the slides and the video for our recent “All Things Medical” training available in the top section of our training page: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/HQ-RIO/Training/.
The Servicemembers’ Online Election System (SOES) enables you to make automated Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Family SGLI coverage/beneficiary elections. Currently, almost 30% of Airmen have yet to access and certify their SGLI in SOES. Additionally, the virtual Record of Emergency Data (vRED) enables you to list those whom you wish to be notified should you become ill, injured, wounded, missing or a fatality. Additionally, that’s where you determine who will receive your Death Gratuity, Arrears of Pay, as well as designate the person who will make your funeral/burial decisions. Currently, over 20% of Airmen have not certified their vRED in the last 12 months and over 40% have data errors delaying notifications. The SOES can be updated here: https://milconnect-pki.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/. The vRED can be updated in Virtual MPF.
The Air Force developed a new suicide prevention training module available at https://www.resilience.af.mil/Programs/Equipping-Families/ to equip family members with the necessary skills to help prevent suicide.
In addition to addressing suicide and resources for help, the training also provides strategies for strengthening relationships and connectedness among family members and loved ones. I’m encouraging all adult family members of our IRs to help us in our fight against suicide by taking this training.
That’s the buzz for now. Thanks for ALL you do!
Col Amy Boehle, HQ RIO Commander