RIO Buzz

RIO Buzz (Vol 25)

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(This was sent to all IMAs and PIRRs 1 April 2021.  If you did not receive it in your personal email, please log in to the vMPF and make sure you have a good personal email in that system.)


RIO Buzz                                                                                           Vol. 25

For those interested in applying for the EDEB, we realized the previous Buzz with the announcement didn’t include the suspense date, which is 5 April.  Be sure to get your package submitted in time!  Now, it’s time for another RIO Buzz …

This is a reminder that you MUST submit your Annual Tour orders request for this FY no later than 31 May.  If you submit your request after 1 June, you will need to submit an MFR signed by your supervisor and Det CC explaining why you did not comply with the guidance. 
We don’t make this requirement up just to cause you additional pain.  It’s clearly outlined in written guidance and all Reservists are held to the same standards.  AFMAN 36-2136, para 5.7.1 states, “All reservists must have their annual training order(s) published by 30 June each FY unless otherwise directed by AFRC’s Financial Management Board.”  According to AFMAN 36-2136, para 5.7.2, “Air Reserve Orders Writing System-Reserve (AROWS-R) requests input after 31 May have to include justification/explanation for the late request for approval from HQ RIO/CC or a designated representative.”  Submitting an ETP because you did not submit your orders requests on time doesn’t guarantee approval of that ETP and it might impact your ability to perform AT.  There is no reason 100% of our IMAs can’t get their AT orders requests in by 31 May. 
The reason we push so hard for this is that money is allocated each year by AFRC to pay for your AT; the orders requests are what generate the hold on those funds.  If you are unsure of your arrangements for performing your AT, go ahead and submit the request for your best guess on dates.  Once orders are created, a modification can be made to change things like dates, location, travel, etc.  For more information, go to the AT orders information page of the new RIO website:

The IR Advisory Council is launching a new IMA Mentorship program and is seeking quality mentor volunteers.  This is a great opportunity for you to truly make a positive impact on not only the overall readiness of the IMA force, but another individual’s life as well.  All the information can be found at this link:

The guidance for the CY21 STEP II nomination process can be found on myPers at this link:  There is a detailed guide and checklist to assist you.  If you are interested in applying, contact your detachment as soon as possible to get their suspense and submission instructions.

ADLS has migrated to a new platform – myLearning.  Initial access to myLearning is projected for mid-March 2021.  There should be minimal downtime as courses migrate.  Only CAC-authenticated/enabled accounts were migrated; user name/password are not be supported.  You can access the new myLearning site beginning 01 April 2021:

That’s the buzz for now.  Thanks for ALL you do!

Col Amy Boehle, HQ RIO Commander

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